2011 Champions
2011 Scholarships & Awards
2011 HCLS Queen
Brooke Williams - Brownsboro FFA
2011 HCLS Princess
Mary Lauren Gould - Crossroads 4-H
Achievement Scholarship
Hunter Walters - Brownsboro FFA
Presenting Joan Hallmark
Achievement Scholarship
Johnny Oden - Brownsboro FFA
Presenting Jerry Rogers
Achievement Scholarship
Kinlie Johnson - Crossroads FFA
Presenting Doug Perkins
Achievement Scholarship
Mallory Mobley - Eustace FFA
Presenting Jerry Rogers
Achievement Scholarship
Sydnee Mikkelsen - Athens FFA
Presenting Jerry Rogers
Horse Scholarship
Cali Bane - Crossroads FFA
Presenting Charlotte Allgood
Jarrod Rachel Scholarship
Brice Williams - Brownsboro FFA
Presenting Mikel Rachel, Lori Rachel, Kay King, Rusty Campbell
Joe Bryan Fulgham
Kyle Forrester - La Poynor FFA
Presenting Josh Fulgham
Joe Bryan Fulgham
Kelsey Hirsch - Athens FFA
Presenting Josh Fulgham
Elsie Rosson Appreciation Award
Brady Tindale - Eustance FFA
Chris Sims Memorial Award
Timothy Holcomb - La Poynor FFA
Presented by Mrs. Robbie Sims
Woodrow Walker Memorial Award Winner
Doug Fortenberry and Fortenberry Pipe
4-Wheeler Raffle
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Holcomb
Jay Bensen Hard Luck Award
Rusty Shellenberger - Crossroads FFA
Presented by Buffy Bensen
High Point Senior Team
Brownsboro FFA
High Point Senior
Mallory Mobley - Eustace FFA
High Point Jr. Team
Henderson County 4-H
High Point Junior
Grant Hirsch-Henderson County 4-H
Grand Champion Shop Project
Athens FFA
Reserve Champion Shop Project
Trinadad FFA
Champion Senior Project
Nick Strubhart - Crossroads FFA
Champion Junior Project
Sara Spivey - Crossroads 4-H
2011 Market Animals
Grand Champion Market Steer
Shae Rimpel - Horizon 4-H
Reserve Champion Market Steer
Kelsey Hirsch - Athens FFA
Grand Champion Market Swine
Timothy Holcomb - La Poynor FFA
Reserve Champion Market Swine
Marshall Holcomb - La Poynor FFA
Grand Champion Senior Commercial Heifer
Garrett Robertson - Crossroads 4H
Reserve Grand Champion Senior
Commercial Heifer
Chelsey Davis - Athens FFA
Grand Champion Intermediate
Commercial Heifer
Hunter Snow - Malakoff FF
Reserve Grand Champion Intermediate
Commercial Heifer
Wil Colman - Malakoff FFA
Grand Champion Junior Commercial Heifer
Landry Rogers - Horizon 4H
Reserve Grand Champion Junior
Commercial Heifer
Ethan Snow - Malakoff FFA
Grand Champion Market Goat
Mallory Mobley - Eustace FFA
Reserve Champion Market Goat
Chad Tindale - Eustace FFA
Grand Champion Market Lamb
Alex Wogerer - Crossroads 4-H
Reserve Champion Market Lamb
Garrett Robertson - Crossroads 4-H
Grand Champion Boilers
Keslyn Kjeldgaard - Crossroads FFA
Reserve Grand Champion Boilers
Keslyn Kjeldgaard - Crossroads FFA
Grand Champion Fryers
Will Reynolds - La Poyonor FFA
Reserve Grand Champion Fryers
Karlie Watson - Crossroads FFA
2011 Breeding Animals
Champion American Breeding Beef
Brady Tindale - Eustace FFA
Reserve Champion Breeding Beef
Brittany Krueger
Grand Champion Dairy
Cassidy Petty - Chandler 4-H
Reserve Champion Dairy
Kaven Kjedaard - Crossroads FFA
Grand Champion Breeding Goat
Hayleigh Hillhouse - Martins Mill FFA
Reserve Champion Breeding Goat
Mallory Mobley - Eustace FFA
Grand Champion Breeding Ewe
Shelby Swinnea - Rocky Hill 4-H
Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe
Courtney Wilkins - Cayuga 4-H
Grand Champion Breeding Swine
Landry Rogers - Horizon 4-H
Reserve Champion Breeding Swine
Marshall Holcomb - La Poynor FFA
2011 Equine
Champion Senior Halter
Savannah Meider
13 and Under Speed
Adrianne Kinabrew - Happy Days 4-H
13 and Under High Point Roper
Cutter Carpenter - ETYR
Grand Champion Yearling
Garrett Robertson - Crossroads 4-H
Reserve Champion Yearling
Wil Van Dusen
Performance 13 and Under
Cutter Carpenter - ETYR
Champion Junior Halter
Reyna Maple - ETYR
14 and Over High Point Roping
Lightning Aguilera - ETYR
Need More Info?
Please contact us at 903-681-3162 and we will be glad to help you in any way that we can. Thank you for your interest in the Henderson County Livestock Show